Friday, September 1, will start Trebišov’s premiere year of the DeutschMann® Rally Trebišov. On this occasion, we invite you to an interesting program from the racing and artistic point of view.
Slovakia's rally championship is at its penultimate rally in this season, which will bring the competition crews further points into the year's rating. Moreover, the DeutschMann® Rally Trebišov is also included in the Slovakian Rally Championship, the Slovak Rally Cup and the Rally Legend. The total length of the track is 287 kilometers, of which 93 kilometers consist of six speed tests on two different tracks.
The rally program starts on Thursday evening by registering crews for a observation and optional administrative check. Thursday at 6 pm will also be opened a service park in which fans can meet their favorite crews and talk to them. On Friday, registration and administrative check will continue, accompanied by technical check and observation.
The most exciting pre-competition program will be the very official start of the rally at 18:30. In the center of Trebišov on the Boleslav Roman Namestie. Viewers will be able to get a closer look at the rallye technique and get autographs of crews. After this program, the IMT Smile and its guests, Katarína Knechtová, Martin Migaš and Peter Bič will join , accompanied by Martin Valihora, Dano Soltis, Viktor Spak and Tomas Okres. Spectators are kindly requested to take advantage of the parking lot in front of the Lidl and Kaufland shopping centers.
The main competition will be on a raid on Saturday at eight o'clock in the morning when a first car will be started from the service park. After completing the six special stages, the competition crews will again appear at the Boleslav Roman Square, where they will gradually collect the awards for the results. The program of the two days will be very rich and interesting, so we believe you will not miss it!
Generálnym reklamným partnerom DeutschMann® Rallye Trebišov je slovenská špedičná spoločnosť DeutschMann so sídlom v Trebišove a s dcérskymi spoločnosťami v Žiline, v Chorvátsku a v Dubaji. Hlavnou činnosťou firmy je zabezpečovanie prepravy tovaru cestnou dopravou po celom svete. Špecializuje sa na expresné transporty najmä pre automobilový priemysel s termínom dodávky do 24 hodín.
The general advertising partner of DeutschMann® Rallye Trebišov is the Slovak transport company DeutschMann based in Trebišov with its subsidiaries in Žilina, Croatia and Dubai. The main activity of the company is the transport of goods by road throughout the world. Specializing in express transport, especially for the automotive industry, with a delivery date of up to 24 hours.
Saturday 02.09.2017
08:43 RS1 Milič I 12,5 km
09:11 RS2 Bogota 1 18 km
11:44 RS3 Milič 2 12,5 km
12:12 RS4 Bogota 2 18 km
14:45 RS5 Milič 3 12,5 km
15:13 RS6 Bogota 3 18 km
Zdenka Tamášová Frývaldská
Press Secretary DeutschMann® Rally Trebišov